
Whether you’re
a founder or self-employed,

running a start-up can feel overwhelming and challenging.

You need a leadership coach, advisor, and mentor who intimately understands the problems and pressures faced by executive women and female founders.

This is where Sophie can help.

She will help you stabilize yourself amidst the challenges and pressures and take your leadership to another level.

My Signature Method

  • Aware (Speak)

    1. Engaging with the Fear

    2. Recognizing your Strength

  • Action (React)

    1. Finding your desire to Change

    2. Committing to the Work

  • Anchor (Listen)

    1. Celebrating yourself 

    2. Create the blueprint for success

Working with Sophie

Sophie’s purpose lies beyond helping female leaders and founders create marketable brands and billion-dollar businesses.

Through her knowledge and experience, she empowers female founders and leaders to speak their authentic truths while unapologetically launching businesses that they can be proud of.


Sophie is a quick and proactive learner in tech, she's already making waves outside the UK educating startups in being champions in diversity. She clearly cares about giving back to the industry by involving herself in coaching other women to thrive and succeed in tech.

— PhD Teresa Tamayo, Founder & Chairwoman at W Startup C